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Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Inilah Putusan FIFA tentang PSSI

Zurich (beritajatim.com) - Nasib
persepakbolaan Indonesia akhirnya mendapat
putusan dari Federasi Sepakbola Dunia atau FIFA.
Setelah melalui rapat eksekutif, FIFA tidak
memberikan sanksi kepada PSSI. Hanya saja, ada
beberapa putusan yang harus dilaksanakan.
Melalaui situs resminya, FIFA meminta PSSI
menggelar Kongres Luar Biasa dengan agenda
pemilihan ketua umum berserta jajarannya.
Pelaksanaan kongres paling lambat 30 April 2011.
Pemilihan tanggal itu sesuai dengan berakhirnya
masa jabatan Nurdin Halid pada 29 April 2011.
Putusan ini berbeda dengan keterangan yang
diberikan oleh Deputi Sekjen Bidang Luar Negeri
PSSI Dali Tahir dua hari sebelumnya. Saat itu, Dali
Tahir menyatakan bahwa PSSI diberi batas waktu
kongres sampai Juli 2011. Jika merujuk pada
keterangan Dali Tahir, Nurdin mendapat
perpanjangan jabatan selama 3 bulan.
FIFA juga meminta PSSI agar membentuk
Komite Pemilihan paling lambat 26 Maret 2011.
Berbeda dengan Komite Pemilihan yang
sebelumnya, komite kali ini harus mengadopsi
Electoral Code dari Standar Electoral Code FIFA.
Sekadar diketahui, Kongres Luar Biasa PSSI
sedianya digelar tanggal 26 Maret 2011 di Bali.
PSSI membuat kebijakan penundaan atas agenda
empat tahunan tersebut. Pasalnya, Komite
Banding yang diketuai oleh Tjipta Lesmana
menganulir semua kandidat ketua umum. Mereka
adalah Nurdin Halid, George Toisutta, Nirwan D
Bakrie, dan Arifin Panigoro.
Sebelumnya, Komite Pemilihan menganulir
pencalonan dari George Toisutta dan Arifin
Panigoro. Calon yang diloloskan hanya Nurdin
Halid dan Nirwan D Bakrie. Keputusan Komite
Pemilihan ini memantik reaksi keras dari
masyarakat pecinta bola di tanah air. Ribuan
suporter melalukan menuntut pemerintah agar
membekukan PSSI. Bahkan, kantor PSSI sempat
disegel oleh massa. [but]
Hasil Rapat Komite Eksekutif FIFA :
The FIFA Executive Committee, chaired by
President Joseph S. Blatter, took note of the 2010
FIFA Financial Report announcing a positive result
of USD 631 million for the four-year period
2007-2010 during a two-day meeting held in
Zurich on 2 and 3 March. The committee also
decided on the hosts of eight FIFA competitions,
including the FIFA Women ’s World Cup 2015™,
which will be held in Canada, and the slots per
confederation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup ™.
During the 2007-2010 four-year cycle, FIFA
obtained revenue of USD 4,189 million, while the
expenses amounted to USD 3,558 million, leading
to an overall result of USD 631 million. This very
positive result reflects the financial success of the
2010 FIFA World Cup ™ in South Africa, which has
allowed FIFA to continue with its development
programmes and the organisation of football
competitions and events. The financial result
from this period has also helped to strengthen
FIFA ’s reserves (now amounting to USD 1,280
million), which is required by the FIFA Statutes
and is also important in view of FIFA ’s strong
financial dependency on the FIFA World Cup™.
The FIFA Financial Report is produced in
accordance with IFRS (International Financial
Reporting Standards) and can be read in its
entirety on FIFA.com.
The committee also decided on the slots for the
2014 FIFA World Cup ™, which will be as follows:
4.5, OFC 0.5, UEFA 13.0 and one slot the host
Brazil. This is the same distribution of slots as for
the 2006 and 2010 FIFA World Cups ™. For the
play-offs relating to the half slots, a draw will
determine how the four confederations involved
off. Sufficient time will be allowed between the
home and away legs of these play-offs.
Furthermore, the committee appointed the hosts
for several FIFA competitions in the years 2012 to
2015. These decisions were as follows: FIFA
Women ’s World Cup 2015™ and FIFA U-20
Women’s World Cup 2014 awarded to Canada;
FIFA U-20 World Cup 2013 to Turkey; FIFA U-20
World Cup 2015 to New Zealand; FIFA U-17
World Cup 2013 to the United Arab Emirates; FIFA
U-17 World Cup 2015 to Chile; FIFA U-20
Women ’s World Cup 2012 to Uzbekistan and
FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2014 to Costa
Meanwhile, Budapest (Hungary) was selected as
the venue of the 62nd FIFA Congress in 2012 and
Mauritius was appointed as the venue of the 63rd
FIFA Congress in 2013.
Franz Beckenbauer was confirmed as chairman
of the FIFA Task Force Football 2014, which will
work on concrete proposals to improve football
in areas such as the Laws of the Game,
refereeing, competition regulations, women ’s
football, medical matters and fair play.
The Executive Committee approved the
Regulations Governing International Matches,
which will ensure that the notification, reporting
and registration of international “A” matches is
more transparent and efficient. These regulations
are now pending the adoption of amendments to
the FIFA Statutes by the FIFA Congress 2011.
Regarding the situation in various associations,
the committee approved the following proposals:
- Indonesia (PSSI): the PSSI should
organise the general assembly on 26 March
2011 to elect the electoral commission and
adopt an electoral code based on the FIFA
standard electoral code. The electoral
commission will then organise elections
before 30 April 2011. In addition, if the PSSI
is not able to regain control of the
breakaway league, the case will be
submitted to the FIFA Executive
Committee for a potential suspension.
- Benin (FBF): the appointment of the co-opted
members of the FBF Executive Committee will be
submitted for the approval of the general
assembly by mid-April. If accepted, they will stay
in place until the end of the mandate. If not, the
FBF should organise elections within two months
as stipulated in their statutes.
In addition, the Football Federation of Kosovo
(FFK) has requested authorisation to play
international friendly games at both club and
representative team level. It was agreed that this
request should be referred to UEFA.
Finally, the committee was informed of the
launch of FIFA ’s media rights programme for the
2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups™, and approved
the TV agreements made so far, which are worth
USD 1.7 billion. These agreements cover the
Middle East and selected territories in Asia and
Latin America and represent a 90% increase
approximately compared to the same territories
for the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cups ™.
At the start of the meeting, the committee
welcomed two new members, FIFA Vice-
President David Chung, elected as OFC President
at the 2011 OFC Congress in Pago Pago
(American Samoa), and FIFA Executive
Committee member Mohamed Raouraoua,
elected by CAF in the recently-held CAF Congress
in Khartoum (Sudan).

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